Monday, 1 November 2010

Shani Burke - Social Policy Co-ordinator at Peterborough’s Citizens Advice Burea

“I have been out of work since July 2010, since returning from University. Getting a FJF job has provided me with an opportunity to further my experience whilst earning a wage, prior to this I was finding it extremely difficult to find work due to the current economic climate. Being unable to find work was a difficult experience and to be able to given this chance with Future Jobs Fund has uplifted me and built up my confidence at working in the ‘real world’.”

“My main job role involves client cases where there are unfair or discriminatory policies or cases where clients should have been treated differently. I complete evidence forms about the client’s problems and what should be changed about particular policies. I have also been sitting in on client interviews to gain more experience about how Citizens Advice works, and I look out for cases where there is a Social Policy. In addition I have been on some trips with advisers who do outreach work, such as in the prison.”

“I feel I have settled in very well as I’ve been introduced into social policy work gradually which has given me more time to adapt. I am most proud of being able to sit in on an interview and spot a particularly significant social policy of a case of racial discrimination, and completed an evidence form for this which I really enjoyed and found rewarding.

“My manager is great to work with; he is very approachable and easy to work with.
My colleagues are also very helpful and I feel that I can ask anybody anything without feeling silly. They emphasise that they have all been in the same position as me which makes me feel that I am not alone.”

“I would say that this is a brilliant chance, especially given the current climate. It’s a fixed term job so you can still take another job if the opportunity arises, and the Future Jobs Fund will enhance your employability as you are more likely to get a job offer if you are already in employment.”

“I have been given a fantastic opportunity and working at Peterborough Citizens advice bureau has been the best job that I could have asked for! Thank you Future Jobs Fund!”