Tuesday, 23 November 2010

I would like to introduce you to Young Lives.

was established in 2006 as an umbrella organisation for the voluntary and community sector working with children, young people and families across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough .In just four years, the charity has grown from six staff to almost 30 and operates out of three offices across the county.

As well helping youngsters directly, Young Lives acts as an umbrella organisation, offering guidance, advice and training to other charities, groups and clubs that work directly with children and young people.

The heart of our mission is to improve the lives of children and young people and families and we have dedicated strands of work that support the organisations that provide services to children and young people.

One of the charity’s most popular projects is the Jam Van, a van kitted out with the latest multi-media technology, including eight Mac computers.
The van is made available to groups and clubs, who can use it to hold mini-workshops, encouraging youngsters to be creative.
Young Lives works with different groups right across Cambridgeshire. It allows young people to get involved in media.
It’s all about bringing creativity to them and making a positive impact.

Young Lives is all about empowering young people and helping them take control of their lives. We give them a voice.
Young Lives is also involved with the Vinvolved project, (which I work on) a national scheme that encourages people aged 16 to 25 to help out in their communities through volunteering enabling them to give back and learn new skills which will later benefit them when jobseeking in this difficult climate. It encourages them to keep active and busy – and integrating into their communities no matter what their backgrounds, although we work with mainstream schools we have priority groups we wish to impact on like the NEETS who are not in employment, education & training!

We Need Your Support:-

Young Lives has been shortlisted to benefit from the Natwest Community Fund in The cambridgshire area. To help us continue to provide opportunities for young people locally we are asking everyone to take 2 minutes to vote online for Young Lives.

Please follow the link and instructions below:


Peterborough Area:-
Step 1.
Enter postcode PE1 1SY, click next. Select branch, choose New England Peterborough. Click next.

Step 2
“Select your vote” Vote for Young Lives

Step 3
Complete your details ( this information is only used for the purpose of voting for the community Fund).

Tick box to accept terms.
Submit your nomination.

Thank you for supporting Young Lives