Friday, 26 March 2010

Frederick Chant - Carpenters Assistant at Mears

Frederick Chant was unemployed for 14 months before he was given the opportunity to work as carpenters assistant at Mears as part of the Future Jobs Fund scheme. Frederick began his role on the Monday 22nd February 2010.

Mears is a housing maintenance provider working in partnership with Cross Keys Homes, a housing association in Peterborough. Mears’ work involves carrying out repairs and improvements both inside and outside of tenants’ homes. As a carpenter assistant Frederick roles will involve him working alongside a number of carpenters at Mears, helping them with the work that they undertake within tenants’ houses. As part of Frederick’s role he will work within the Mears training workshop with other carpenters to help him develop his skills and knowledge further. Some of the work Frederick will be doing includes; repairing doors and windows in tenants’ homes, and repairing or replacing fencing.

Since Frederick started at Mears in February he has been involved in, ‘’replacing a 36ft long fence in a tenant’s garden, which had been damaged.” He has also been replacing doors and windows in an elderly couple’s house’ which he really enjoyed as, “the couple were very pleased because before they were unable to open the door without a struggle”. He has also, ‘’loved being in the training academy and being taught how to lay bricks with the other Future Jobs Fund employees at Mears. He enjoyed this as it ‘was good meeting the other Future Jobs Fund employees who had been given a chance like I was’’.

When we asked Fred how he had found his time at Mears on the Future Jobs Fund scheme so far he said, “It’s great. I’m back to work in a job that I love and that suits me and which I enjoy everyday. I am very happy with the job I was given through the Future Jobs Fund. I am glad to be out and about at work as I get to meet so many nice and friendly tenants, whilst also being able to do a job that I really enjoy.’’

When speaking about his placement company Mears he said, ‘’Working at Mears is very enjoyable and I am always being made to feel very welcome. I feel very comfortable in my working environment, they make me feel like part of the team.’’

When I asked Frederick about the Future Jobs Fund he said, ‘’anyone looking to get back into work should find out about the Future Jobs Fund. I don’t think I would have got a job like this if it wasn’t for the Future Jobs Fund team and the fantastic opportunities they have available, so I would highly recommend them.’’