Friday, 4 February 2011

Calling all women of Peterborough

Interested in being your own boss?
Want to help yourself get that job?
Then talk to our team at Peterborough Women’s Enterprise Centre

We are currently running a series of free workshops that can help you achieve your goal.
Upcoming workshops include:

Business Skills Workshop
This 4-day workshop will help develop the skills needed to start a business, including marketing and finance.
The next course is taking place on 15th, 17th, 21st and 25th February.

Into Employment Workshop
This 2 day workshop covers key parts of the job application process, from learning how to produce a CV to preparing for interviews and how to create a professional impression.
The next course is taking place on 10th and 16th February. Subsequent dates are 22nd and 28th February.

Further dates available during February and March.

Call NWES now on 0845 60 99 99 1 to book your place.

Delivered by

A specialist deliverer of

Funded by East of England Development Agency and Peterborough City Council.