Friday, 7 January 2011

Meet Calum McIntosh - Project and Administration Assistant - PCC Children’s Services

Calum McIntosh was a Project and Administration assistant at the PCC Children’s Services, within the Peterborough City Council. He has successfully gained full time employment for Wiltshire, where he will be testing buildings for asbestos and other hazardous materials.

When asked whether the FJF scheme helped him in anyway to secure his new job, he had this to say “The FJF did not directly help me secure a job however it helped me to gain confidence in networking, upon which I gained the relevant connections in obtaining the job.”

“I have learnt many great skills and experiences during my time with the FJF. Mainly on the training courses that were provided. I attended the first aid and business administration courses. The latter of which taught me about communication in the work place; verbally, written or by telephone manner.

“I would recommend the FJF to others as it gave me an opportunity to get into work when it was particularly hard to find one; it has also provided me with extra qualifications which always look good to future employers.”