This week is Staying Healthy at Work Week.
Why don’t you go out for a walk at lunch time?
Building activity into your day gives you more energy and strengthens joints so that you don’t feel so achy – Change4Life
Make sure you drink enough water…
Water leads to increased energy levels. The most common cause of daytime fatigue is actually mild dehydration –
Learn something new…
Learning purely for the sake of learning is extremely beneficial – achieving goals you’ve set for yourself can increase your confidence and help you feel more optimistic about the future – Mind
Take the Healthy Option & Get your 5-a-day…
Too much sugar means excess energy, which can lead to stored fat in the body. And this can lead to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. – Change4Life
A portion of fruit and vegetable is about 80g, roughly an adult handful. Make sure you eat a variety and remember that fruit juice only counts as one portion, regardless of how much you drink.
Watch how much alcohol you drink…
Recommended daily alcohol limits are to drink less than 3-4 units per day for men, and 2-3 units per day for women. A unit is roughly a small glass of wine of half a pint of standard strength beer.
If you do drink regularly, try and take a break and have a day when you do not have an alcoholic drink
Give up Smoking…
You will feel more confident in social situations - you won't be worrying about the secondhand smoke you create anymore - smokefree
Reduce your risk of illness, disability or death caused by cancer, heart disease and lung diseases. – smokefree
You are four times more likely to give up successfully if you use your local NHS Stop Smoking Service.
Keep up to date with the action throughout the week…
Join our Facebook and Twitter groups to be kept up to date with activities taking place during the week: /
There is still time to enter our photography competition and recipe Challenge – please encourage everyone to have a look at these on our website –