Friday, 9 July 2010

Meet Joshua Conrad and Robert Lee – Park Assistants at Nene Park Trust

Robert Lee was unemployed for 2 years, whilst Joshua Conrad was unemployed for 6 months. Both were successful in gaining the opportunity at Nene Park Trust as Park Assistants. They started work on the 1st March 2010.

Nene Park Trust is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. It is financially independent and does not receive funding from local or central government or any other public body. All its income is devoted to operating, maintaining and developing Nene Park now and for the future.

The Rangers at Nene Park look after Peterborough’s largest green space comprising 1722 acres. In the summer months this involves grass cutting, hedge cutting, weed control and keeping the site clean and tidy. In the winter months there is a greater emphasis on tree work, thinning out the numerous tree belts and woodland areas as well as repairing and reinstalling fencing and gates. In addition to this the Rangers provide a Duty Ranger service 365 days a year and deliver a public events programme of guided walks and activities. To see what’s coming up next visit

Joshua said, “Our job roles at Nene Park cover a variety of different tasks, most of the tasks we undertake involve the maintenance of Nene Park and Ferry Meadows. Some of the tasks we are responsible for range from mowing the grass or cutting the hedges to painting fences and benches and completing general repairs around the park. We have also been part of the Ranger events for the community with things such as kite making and making environmental sculptures.”

Joshua has, “Enjoyed the opportunity to work outside everyday, being able to work in and around some of the beautiful lakes and scenery at Ferry Meadows has been a great experience. Whereas Robert has, “Really enjoyed being able to gain so many new and great skills, which I hope will help me in my search for a full time job.”

Robert and Joshua both agreed that, “Everyone we work with are great, they have all been so helpful and are always giving us advice, but still make each day fun and a joy to be at work.”