Nadine Tatlow was unemployed for 7 months before getting back into work as an Events & Volunteer Co-ordinator for Churches together through the Future Jobs Fund.
As an Events & Volunteer Co-ordinator Nadine will be organising events, co-ordinating volunteers at events and workshops, undertaking general administrative duties and offering advice at the new Future Jobs Fund shop. Nadine ‘’cannot wait to be involved in this great project. It’s so exciting and impressive and I am just so thrilled to be a part of it all.’’
Since starting Nadine has enjoyed taking part in many tasks and events, such as the Sports Relief Day that the Future Jobs Fund team all took part in. “Hoola-hooping for Sports Relief was great fun. I really enjoyed the day as everybody made me feel like part of a team that is helping people in so many ways.’’ She also enjoyed ‘‘my meeting with Sue from the GPP. It was really good to participate in my first meeting I had attended on my own. I found myself learning so much from the experience which was great.’’
When we asked Nadine how she has found her time on the Future Jobs Fund scheme so far she said ‘’Exciting. It’s such a great project to be a part of. Since I've been here everyone has been so friendly and welcoming, it has made me feel like I’ve been here for years, the team make me feel like the sky is the limit and its always such a joy to come into work.’’
‘’The people I work with have been great. It is supervision with no limits. Everyone and everything in the project is so positive and driven that anything seems possible.’’
When asked about how the role will help her in the future Nadine remarked “the Future Jobs Fund is absolutely fantastic. I was beginning to think I would never get back into work again, let alone get a great opportunity like I have now. They are simply excellent and I would highly recommend them to anyone unemployed and on Job Seekers.’’