Friday, 11 December 2009

Getting to know you...

The Future Jobs Fund Project has really come to life over the past two weeks.

I have had the opportunity to meet the young people who are applying for our fantastic jobs. I recently spent two days at Peterborough Job Centre helping young people fill in their application forms.

I feel very confident that the calibre of young people is truly brilliant in Peterborough and the host companies working with us on this project should look forward to having bright, enthusiastic candidates working with them very shortly!

One young person I was speaking to told me that they had always wanted to be a paramedic. They had never dreamed that they would be able to do this, but by applying for the youth health trainer job they have made a step towards their ideal career.

Today I have been with the Princes Trust team at Fletton Youth club. What a great bunch of young people; cheeky, lively and very confident - just the kind of people we are looking for.

I can't wait to see where the Future Jobs Fund will take them.

Caroline Rowan,
Future Jobs Fund, Project Manager

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Future Jobs Fund in the news

Peterborough's Future Jobs Fund was mentioned in the Peterborough Evening Telegraph today,
within an article on the Fall in numbers of jobless people in the city.

The article said:

Peterborough's winning bid to create 167 new jobs through
the Government's Future Jobs Fund has gone livewith the first 88 jobs now being
advertised through Job Centre Plus.

The first jobs, specifically for 18-24 years olds who have been unemployed between 39 – 50 weeks, include;
· Two positions within the NHS informatics team
· Three roles supporting the YMCA with its youth delivery programmes
· Eight community project workers within Peterborough City Council’s neighbourhood management team

Richard Astle, GPP Director said, “This is brilliant news for all of Peterborough’s residents, not just those young people employed through the Future Jobs Fund.

Click here to see the details of the Future Jobs Fund on the Peterborough Today website:

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Ring our Hotline: 01733 296571

We have now set up a Future Jobs Fund Hotline, for those wishing to apply for a Future Jobs Fund job.

If you are interested in making an application, please call:

01733 296571

Alternately, make an appointment with your JobCentre personal advisor and they will be able to tell you all about the Future Jobs Fund and the jobs which you may be interested in.

Friday, 6 November 2009

We're on facebook!

We're now on Facebook!
Log in and join our Group:
Future Jobs Fund, Peterborough

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

James Purnell Launches Future Jobs Fund

The video below helps explain what the Future Jobs Fund is and why it is so exciting. I hope you find it useful - we did.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

The Future Jobs Fund is coming to Peterborough!

We are all really pleased that GPP have been successful in bidding for money from a new fund to help create new jobs across the city. This is really great news for Peterborough, for the people who will benefit from some exciting job opportunities and for all the areas of work we will benefit from. The funds will create up to 167 new jobs under the Government’s Future Jobs Fund. We will be working with partners over coming weeks to finalise the exact details of each job.

The Future Jobs Fund is part of the Government’s ‘Backing Young Britain’ campaign – which seeks to help young people into employment. This is a £1 billion national programme creating 150,000 new jobs for unemployed people. 24 organisations from the public and voluntary and community sectors came together to create a range of jobs in health, environment and community work. Some of the jobs that are proposed include:
  • Creating a dedicated team of young people within the health service in Peterborough to promote healthy living amongst young people
  • Supporting local conservation organisations to manage nature reserves and engage with local communities
  • Working with the police to assist community support officers in their day to day duties
  • Providing teaching support at Peterborough College of Adult Education
  • Jobs at Peterborough museum to help support additional community events
  • Supporting the YMCA with its youth delivery programmes

All people who are employed in these jobs will have opportunities for suitable training packages. The jobs will be advertised through Job Centre Plus. We hope that the new jobs will start in November. The jobs are targeted at two groups of long term unemployed people: those living in 10 unemployment ‘hotspots’ in the City, and young people aged 18 – 25. All the jobs aim to bring a lasting benefit to Peterborough by helping young people to contribute to the community and also proving them with the essential skills needed to continue to work in our growing city.

All the partners will be working hard together to ensure that every young person finishes the programme with a greatly enhanced range of skills and knowledge and a more confident approach to job seeking and that Peterborough benefits from their hard work.